Automatically registers fonts
Exports allow font IDs to be fetched
Contains the following:
- CS:GO weapon skins
- HUD Replacements
- Weapon Icons
- Vehicle Dealership replacement
- Replacement peds
- Scaleforms
- Car Dealership textures
- Gas Station textures
- Paleto textures
- Vending Machines
- Job Vehicles
- Liveries
(Unknown authors, old uncredited files)
Connor Richards, age 23, passed away after being struck by a vehicle. His passing is the first known case for a community member.
Add credit fields to your resource manifest
Shows credits in the server console when resources are started
Adds a /credits command for both clients and the console
Adds an endpoint for the resource so credits can be viewed and fetched online
Has 2 available configuration files
Part of the Expeditious Execution project
Optimized and converted for FiveM use by glitchdetector
Fonts created by the folks at
Automatically registers different fonts
Exports allow font IDs to be fetched
- Rockstar Games - Original models
- TheF3nt0n - Model editings
- AlexanderLB - Liveries
- Dynamo - Pizza sign model
- Lozano71 - Mapped Dilettante
- Monkeypolice188 - Improved Faggio Sport and delivery box
- Stryfaar - Delivery Ped
- CP - Converted Lokus
- Dani02 - Converted Rebel Sport
- mohaalsmeer - Pizza box
- Sealyx - Screenshots
- MyCrystals! - Description
A full list of changes made by this mod:
Instructional Interface base by IllusiveTea, modified for the implementation
Add the following two lines to your resource:
`dependencies {'instructional-buttons'}`
`client_script '@instructional-buttons/include.lua'`
Then use the following in a client script to enable a button:
`SetInstructionalButton("My Button", 80, true)`
and to disable a button:
`SetInstructionalButton("My Button", 80, false)`
Syntax is as follows:
`SetInstructionalButton(String text, int control, bool enable)`
Only the resource that enables a button can disable it.
Special thanks to:
Polimante for being supportive all the way giving ideas from the very start and for tests.
Darkwhite, Miesniak_Zielarz, XML for being patient enough while i was doing the pictures of their characters.
milo and his squad for testing it and for the attempt of making the BCSO retexturing. RP members for all the motivation (with one exception)
Bring Sandy Shores Sheriff / Police Station to life a whole new addition of a locker room, armory, jail cells, computers, lounge, and evidence locker! Finally make Sandy Station useful by locking up those criminals in our selection of 3 smelly cells!
List of creators:
- _CP_
- Thundersmacker
- RM76
- TheAdmiester
- Killatomate
- Da7K
- GTA5Korn
- Yard1
- Lundy
- CDemapp
- PhilBellic
- I'm Not MentaL
- sparky66
- Insincere
Honking makes nearby NPCs greet you with kifflom
Adds /metrics with a settings menu
Check the instructions in the /files/ readme.
Add the language file as `language_json` and `file` entries
Based on Converted, converted from C# to CfxLua by glitchdetector
exports['blip_info']:SetBlipInfo(blip, infoData)
exports['blip_info']:SetBlipInfoTitle(blip, title, rockstarVerified)
exports['blip_info']:SetBlipInfoImage(blip, dict, tex)
exports['blip_info']:SetBlipInfoEconomy(blip, rp, money)
exports['blip_info']:AddBlipInfoText(blip, leftText, rightText)
exports['blip_info']:AddBlipInfoName(blip, leftText, rightText)
exports['blip_info']:AddBlipInfoHeader(blip, leftText, rightText)
exports['blip_info']:AddBlipInfoIcon(blip, leftText, rightText, iconId, iconColor, checked)
Has 1 available configuration file
Has 1 available configuration file
Thank you to Stormm_29, lilnursie and Wesley for providing in-game screenshots of each business location!
Includes the following mini-resources:
- Adminge
- Advertisements
- Aeroport
- Ambience
- Announcements
- Auto Cleanup
- Ban Preview
- Blip Hider
- Bombs
- Chat Roles
- Colorblind Mode
- Console
- Copy / Paste
- Crazy Taxi arrow
- Custom Interiors
- Debt
- Debug View
- Decompiled Testing
- Decorators
- Easter Eggs
- ESC (Emergency Siren Control)
- Sonar
- Event Droppers
- Events
- Excavator Controls
- Floating Text
- Fun
- Game Events
- Gay Baby Jail
- Horn Songs
- ID Error Alert
- Injection Detection
- Intro
- Level Crossings
- Level Notifications
- Lists
- Logging
- Mini Commands
- Minimapper
- Minor Tweaks
- Mobile Radio
- Navigational Assistant
- Parachute
- Permission Checker
- Popup Prompt
- Quicktime Events
- Rebooter
- Recycling
- Seatbelt
- Server Rules
- Sky
- Speed Boost
- Staff Actions
- Status
- Tracking
- Utils
- Vehicle Locker
- Vehicle Repairs
- Vehicle Spawners
- Vehicle Weapons
- Voice Bonus
- Warps
(And more)
Includes the following resources:
- Calm AI by NickThe0ne
- CarHUD
- Compass
- Crouch
- Delete Police Weapons
- Disable Air Controls
- FiveBans by FiveBans
- Flight Instruments by IceHax
- Hands Crossing by glitchdetector
- Hazards
- Inverse Power
- Leave Engine Running
- Luxart Vehicle Controls by Lt. Caine
- Memorial
- IPL Loader
- No Weapon Drops
- Patreon by glitchdetector
- Realistic Vehicle Failure
- Save Wheel Position
- Saw
- Snowballs
- Trackyserver Voting by Havoc
- vSync by Vespura
(Plus others)
Has 1 available configuration file
Has 1 available configuration file
Has 2 available configuration files
Has 1 available configuration file
Has 1 available configuration file
Has 1 available configuration file
Has 1 available configuration file
Approach a self storage location and press E to access it
Press F10 to open
Summons a tornado during thunderstorms
API handler at
Inspired by the Prospect minigame in MySims
Metal detector model by Vartanyan
Converted by glitchdetector
Yes, I did actually buy it for $11
Based on xnRadio by Smallo
Has the ability to open the users default browser
Adds a join button plus a customizable button
Uses the replicated convars: rich_presence_1_label, rich_presence_1_url
Has 7 available configuration files
API handler for Simulator Radio (
Gives a prompt when close to a trailer attachment, in which the trailer is forced to attach to your vehicle
Navigate to the servers resoure web endpoint
Press F7 or type /help
API handler for Upbeat Radio (
Has 1 available configuration file
Standalone'd by glitchdetector
Has 2 available configuration files
Allows staff to fix common issues that occur for player accounts
Exposes a widget factory
Depend on this resource
Get the factory using the provided export
Use the exported factory to easily create an interface
Converted from ESX to Tycoon by glitchdetector
Makes sure vehicles get deleted, the proper way